Hello I am Noah and I am from USA
and I wish to apply for staff I have about 578 hours on unturned and 100 of those hours have been playing on the freezer servers and I wish to apply for staff I have played mostly every day when I get on unturned and maybe 5-6 hours I can play I also have discord so over 13, so u might not think I am mature and by chat logs u are right but I can assure u I am mature and not some unmature kid who yells all the time, I want to take this job very Seriously BUT still have fun now if some one says that there hacking I will look in to how and what is happening I would not just ban them on the dot because it could of been a joke or some thing, I am very happy and I have a Positive Attitude and am not always angry I like the color yellow xd and I think that it for my application I do hope that I will make it in
steam link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199117494460/