Steam profile link + name: PEX
Real name: Jakub
Age: 18
Game and Freezzer play-time: 5000 hours in unturned and 900 on Freezzer servers
Recent/current weekly + daily play-time: 60 hours in the past 2 weeks about 4-6 hours on Freezzer daily this may change later on due to work
About yourself: I enjoy playing on Freezzer in my free time. I mainly PvP on your servers and try to keep the servers out of trouble I always attempt to find solutions to issues that appear in the need help section on discord and I heavily report stuff there myself. I’d like to keep Freezzer clean as possible so everyone could enjoy it. I currently study Computer Science and work part time. Therefore, there may be times I won’t be able to help.
Why you would be well suited to become a Support-Staff: I am dedicated to this job I have previously been staff on multiple servers such as voroid network which seemed to be very popular and I had the position of a manager there. The servers had long success untill the host had broken down. Furthermore, I have been playing unturned since early 2016 I’m aware of most game bugs that are still out today and willing to help in every case there is.
I am also applying for discord moderator position in this application
My discord tag Pex#6758