Steam profile link + name:
Real name: George
Age: 16
Game and playtime on our servers: 77
Recent/current weekly + daily playtime: 3 hours a day
About yourself: i work on a farm as an apprentice in england i like to play unturned in my free time i have just finished school after doing my gcses and i have alot more free time i have a dog called sophie and shese a labridor, i would like to help the community as i often see toxic chats and sometimes cheaters i like to think im resposable and trustable i also like to work so i would love to work wilst i play
Why you would be well suited to become a staff member: i have alot of hours on unturned and i feel like alot are waisted been a player and not taking on responsibility and helping the comunity grow, i would like to think im suited because of my willingness to always help to the best of my ability and worth ethic