bogdan3 link: bogdan3 Real name:Bogdan Age:14 Game and playtime on our servers:300h Recent/current weekly + daily playtime:98h About yourself:I’m a 14-year-old boy who plays unturned a lot and since I started playing I’ve only played on frezzer’s servers. I always wanted to be a staff because I want to help people who encounter certain problems when playing, -I punish those who cheat or break the rules on the server. I have a lot of time to play unturned because I don’t have friends 🙁, but I’m still a cheerful and very energetic person but besides that energy I’m a very serious person. That’s all I had to say about myself bye. Why you would be well suited to become a staff member:I would be very good in the staff because I am very active and a communicative and calm person
Lenardlx Hello Bogdan! Thanks for you application, however I have to reject it because we changed the age requirements for being Staff for a specific reason. You can re-apply when you meet the requirements for Staff.