Steam profile link + name: + TheGhostKillz
Real name: Dominik
Age: 18
Game and Freezzer play-time: 2450+ hours in-game & 130+ hours on Freezzer server's (mostly sandbox 1 and 5)
Recent/current weekly + daily play-time: 49h recent on Steam & about 1-6 hrs/day so about 6-36 hrs/week & with less work I usually play 4-8 hrs/day. Usual play-time is central europe late evening to midnight, sometimes untill 2-3 in the morning.
About yourself: I have everything on my profile but... I'm Dominik, IT student from Czechia, Southern Bohemia. When dad needs me I go to work with him, we usually do wire fences, garage gates, winged double door gates, etc. I also enjoy riding motorcycles and I'll get my drivers license (A2+B) in about a month too (finally, too many covid delays). Or I just ride my moto-bicycle I've built, that's what I do during the day, mostly. Otherwise I just play games like World of Tanks and, obviously, Unturned. Also, I love my cat, hence the profile pic. 😁
Why you would be well suited to become a Support-Staff: Mainly to police the servers by banning cheaters as soon as possible, by recording them in the act and saving that as evidence of their doings if they tried to say that I'm abusing my role. I'd like to do this because it annoys me when there's a cheater who joins for like 5 minutes to try out his cheats and kills a couple of people and doesn't get punished. And also I'd like to try being a Support member because I mostly know how to handle stuff and if i'm uncertain I'll ask for guidance from others but I have to note that I have very little experience with being in staff in Unturned so I'll be more of a staff intern. Also I'm in Freezzer Emergency Services if that has any significance to get applied.