Steam profile link:
Name: Fridge
Real name: Jasper
Game and playtime on our servers: Hours on unturned 2088 Current playtime on Freezzer 300h 01m 17s
Recent/current weekly + daily playtime: Usually a at least a couple hours a day except for friday and weekend
About yourself: I'm a relatively chill guy that mostly enjoys shooters and racing games, i like to joke around sometimes but can be serious when needed. I also occasionally like building things (in real life and in games) and usually learn things pretty quickly
Why you would be well suited to become a staff member: Because i want to help people in the Freezzer community and i also have a background in Unturned staff as i was an admin on nordic military rp so i have experience in helping other people, managing a busy server and staying calm when you have to explain something a lot of times before they understand what to do